Diposting oleh deystay Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

THE PANKY, rock group the falling popularity, fueled by Pacquiao, who likes angry vocalist, Ozi drummer who likes late, Eric, the guitar player who likes to sulk and Joy, who is fat and likes to fart. At one point, producer of The Panky wants to make an album of collaboration between Pacquiao and Munanada, senior melayu singer and is considered the King of music melayu but also being down fame. Collaboration between the two of them are expected to restore their glory. Pacquiao initially refused because he had been famously anti-melayu

Project they started and did not go well, a very religious Munanada anyone who wants to work with him to follow the rules, Pacquiao dirukiah cs, lecture and stripped studs and earrings, tattoos and even they also want distrika. Pacquiao cs try to be patient and endure, but for long annoyed too, so when the common practice until the fight scene, and its climax when Munanada said that Pacquiao had hurt her and the lelahur wither and be prepared to accept the curse

Since it is always in every place and occasion, Pacquiao munanada wilt hear a song, singer at a red light, even when he polisipun ticket, the police were singing melayu ..

Munanada Oath continues, until one day, Pacquiao met and instantly fell in love with a beautiful woman named Gabby, who was Munanada children. Of course Munanada not approve the relationship, Pacquiao even threatened to expel and not approach him again. Pacquiao made all efforts in order to meet Gabby but always dikandaskan by Munanada, until Gabby says that Pacquiao should prove to Munanada that he could be great and can beat the King melayu Munanada

The Pangky then practice and learn at the wither-champions champions wilt. The Pangky finally make the flow of the distinctive, with a combined Melayu Pop rap music ...

Can Pacquiao defeated Munanada heart? And raised the prestige The PANGKY with colors of their new music?

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